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Connect with President’s Council events

We are always seeking new and creative ways to connect with our 20,000 members. From exclusive events with Purdue leaders to home football tailgates, we love providing fun opportunities to engage with the President’s Council family. Be sure to explore the travel page for even more experiences to enjoy.

President Chiang and the First Lady
Wednesday, December 18

An Evening with President Chiang and the First Lady

Join your President’s Council family for an exclusive virtual event with President Mung Chiang and First Lady Kei Hui, streaming live from Westwood at 7 p.m. President Chiang and the First Lady will reflect on some of the small steps and giant leaps achieved in 2024 and share what they look forward to in the coming year. Don’t miss this special program, open exclusively to President’s Council members. Watch your email for the registration opportunity.

Alumni Insurance Program Created with Sketch.

Purdue Naples
February 12–16, 2025

Purdue for Life in Naples

Save the date for President’s Council’s annual trip to Naples, Florida! Make sure to join us for Annual Dinner, Back to Class, and so much more! Full details and registration will be coming in the fall.
Learn more

Alumni Insurance Program Created with Sketch.