Health and Human Sciences

A Message from the College of Health and Human Sciences

You’re graduating, let’s celebrate!

Congratulations to all our College of Health and Human Sciences graduates. Join us at our celebration!

Thursday, April 27
5–6:30 p.m.
Stone Hall // Room 122

Dean Marion K. Underwood will make remarks at approximately 5:30 p.m.

This is a free event. However, registration is required to attend. A free gift and a drink ticket will be reserved for all who register.

Please register by April 24!

As you take your next giant leap as a Boilermaker, we ask that you:

Stay connected to Purdue HHS by following us on social media:

Here’s to you! Boiler Up!

Connect with Casey Dexter via email at for more information on how to connect with the College of Health and Human Sciences as an alum.

Alumni Clubs

There are over 60 alumni clubs in the United States and over 25 international networks. Find a club or network near you and get connected.

Alumni Volunteer Opportunities

Want to give back to Purdue, but don’t know how? Were you involved as a student and want to continue your involved after graduation? Check out several volunteer opportunities available to alumni and sign up today! A representative from our office will be in touch with more information.

A Message from Purdue’s Center for Career Opportunitiesb 

A Message from Balfour, our Graduate Gateway Sponsor