20:13:54 From Glenn Youngstedt : Suzie: 20:15:02 From Glenn Youngstedt : When can we communicate to our scholarship recipients and those that are not receiving a club scholarship? 20:16:16 From Lauren Handwerk : Is it a 3-week wait for students who graduated (undergrad/grad/phd/etc.) from the club areas? Like if we wanted to send a Congratulations You Did it- Email... 20:16:42 From Michael Brown : If we've already planned ahead to have a new student picnic on 7/14, we won't have time for the full 3 emails. 20:17:00 From Lisa Pluckebaum : what about sending notes to potential incoming students? 20:18:12 From Michael Brown : thanks 20:18:22 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "thanks" with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:19:41 From Lisa Pluckebaum : have parents post on the parents facebook group to get word out 20:19:59 From Glenn Youngstedt : What laws prohibit Purdue from sending out email addresses and mailing addresses of scholarship recipients? 20:20:18 From Douglas Evans : For sending email invitees to incoming new 2024 fall freshmen, do we use the standard PFLF email request system or send an email direct to you Susie? 20:20:51 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Replying to "For sending email in..." You use the system and I will build them out and work with communications on the email pulls/sends. 20:21:13 From Melissa Christiansen - Plymouth : We have an ice cream social on the last Sunday afternoon in July for all new and returning students, and alumni and we hand out our scholarship checks at that time 20:21:17 From Nadia Conti : Thank you, Lisa 20:22:15 From Nadia Conti : Great idea, Melissa 20:22:22 From Lauren Handwerk : Replying to "We have an ice cream..." The ice cream social is a great idea for sure! 20:23:10 From Douglas Evans : Sorry I did not see the answer to Glenโ€™s question? Maybe I just missed the answer. Thus, please send again. Thanks. 20:23:28 From Ed Gulbransen : Replying to "For sending email in..." We have a picnic for all on the first Sunday in aug before students go back to school. Students are free and we also have a drawing for a $500 scholarship for any student - incoming or new. Parents are invited too. 20:23:41 From Katie P iPhone : In LA/Orange County our club hosted 70-80 students & their parents at a park in 2021 & 2022, rented a shelter and hired a taco truck, had the event late July. Last year we partnered with parent & family engagement and advancement and the event was held in someoneโ€™s home. 20:24:39 From Glenn Youngstedt : Amen to that 20:25:06 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Love all these great ideas! 20:25:21 From Glenn Youngstedt : What is that? 20:25:43 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 20:25:49 From Glenn Youngstedt : We always were able to get them before 20:28:29 From Lauren Handwerk : Can we do an A-Frame Insert instead? That way its usable when we're outside restaurants and other areas that maybe don't have soil we can't put it in the ground? 20:28:42 From Stacy McCracken : Reacted to "Can we do an A-Frame..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:28:51 From Michael Brown : The welcome signs are a great idea. Can you ship WITH the wire holder? Or just the sign and we need to figure how to display it? 20:29:07 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Replying to "The welcome signs ar..." It would come with the holder too. 20:30:09 From Lauren Handwerk : Reacted to "It would come with t..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:31:37 From Zoom user : Wire frame is great and would work for our locations with Hendrickโ€™s cty on the sign 20:31:46 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "Wire frame is great ..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:31:50 From Glenn Youngstedt : Most sign shops and make up signs. They can download logos 20:31:54 From Lauren Handwerk : We want that too! What Cindy said! -Phoenix. Happy to purchase on our own if PFL will work on the design 20:35:13 From Nadia Conti : Susie, In the newsletter last month, we were directed to work with carol Smith on our send offs. Is this still the case? What would she help us with? Thanks 20:35:19 From Michael Brown : Do we get the names of scholarship award winners at the same time you notify them? 20:36:32 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Replying to "Susie, In the newsle..." Nadia ~ You will work with us on your sendoffs, Carol oversees our Student Engagement, PASE program, and has offered to work with us and the clubs to see if they have a student available to attend the send off to talk with incoming students about campus life, what to expect, PASE program, etc. 20:37:28 From Douglas Evans : previously we as local clubs sent all applications a nice personal letter even if they were not awarded a scholarship. It is general practice to send notes. 20:38:15 From Douglas Evans : It maybe too much a task for PFLF to do for all applicants. The local clubs can do that for their applicants. 20:39:47 From Douglas Evans : we did invite the clubโ€™s awardees to our annual scholarship dinner to present the awardees with a local club certificate. If they are not able to come to the annual dinner, how can we send them the Club certificate? 20:41:13 From Douglas Evans : can the local club send you (PFLF) a physical certificate that you would send along to the awardee? 20:41:25 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Replying to "can the local club s..." Reach out and we'll work on getting those sent out for you. 20:41:41 From Douglas Evans : OK. Thanks. 20:41:55 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "OK. Thanks." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:43:53 From Glenn Youngstedt : I suggest that in the fall there should be a Zoom meeting with scholarship chairs on our requirements. 20:44:08 From Jillian Henry : Reacted to "I suggest that in th..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:44:22 From Randy Ramsey : In the past we sent emails to each student in our club area notifying them about the Club Scholarship - were those emails sent this year? 20:45:32 From Nadia Conti : Replying to "Susie, In the newsleโ€ฆ" Thank you! 20:46:22 From Lauren Handwerk : PDOG Updates? WE never receveived an email about the results 20:46:30 From Michael Brown : Do we get the names of scholarship award winners at the same time you notify them? 20:46:57 From Lisa Pluckebaum : thanks LeAnne and Susan!! 20:47:04 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "thanks LeAnne and Su..." with โค๏ธ 20:47:04 From Douglas Evans : is the june 2024 forum at 8:00 PM Eastern Time 20:47:11 From Susie : Will you please send out tonight's slides with the info? Thank you! 20:47:21 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "Will you please send..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:47:59 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Replying to "is the june 2024 for..." We are looking at potential times for that date. 20:50:09 From Glenn Youngstedt : I agree we need to know who the donors for thank yous 20:50:15 From Lauren Handwerk : This question is for Jillian-- How can PFL find ways to involve the non-midwestern clubs more in things like ALVC? It seems sad we can't participate because our board members/club can't cover the costs to get to West Lafayette to participate 20:50:17 From Douglas Evans : are there any changes to the Club Recognition Program requirements for Golf, Silver, Bronze? 20:51:14 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Replying to "are there any change..." There is not at this time. I am looking over the program for the next Fiscal Year. It will basically be the same with more clarifications. 20:51:23 From Douglas Evans : Sorry Gold status โ€” not golf. 20:51:29 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "Sorry Gold status โ€” ..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:52:07 From deeni taylor : Reacted to "Sorry Gold status โ€” โ€ฆ" with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:53:44 From Lauren Handwerk : WOOO What a great development LeAnne! 20:53:51 From Michael Brown : Maybe you said this - with the FAFSA delays, when will scholarship awardees be notified? 20:54:06 From Lauren Handwerk : Replying to "WOOO What a great de..." update Sheesh typing problems 20:54:24 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "WOOO What a great de..." with โค๏ธ 20:54:28 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "update Sheesh typing..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚ 20:57:43 From Douglas Evans : I would join via real time webinar / zoom link. 20:57:48 From Lauren Handwerk : Reacted to "I would join via rea..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:57:52 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "I would join via rea..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:57:53 From Michael Brown : Thanks! 20:57:54 From Jillian Henry : Reacted to "I would join via rea..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 20:57:55 From Lauren Handwerk : Replying to "I would join via rea..." Our entire board would too! 20:58:04 From Purdue for Life Foundation : Reacted to "Our entire board wou..." with ๐Ÿ‘