00:17:55 Lynn Ray: Hello from sunny and mild 70s in Seattle area! 00:18:08 Edward Gold: Hot here in Arizona. But it’s a dry heat. Lol 00:18:58 Purdue for Life Foundation: Reacted to "Hot here in Arizona...." with 👍 00:19:26 Purdue for Life Foundation: Reacted to "Hello from sunny and..." with 👏 00:19:43 MaryLouSiefker: She did not win tonight 00:19:46 Jeff Pajor: Reacted to "Hello from sunny and…" with 👏 00:20:17 Purdue for Life Foundation: Unfortunately I think she lost tonight. -Jimmy 00:26:48 Purdue for Life Foundation: If you get a chance to visit Dauch Alumni Center during Christmas and the holiday season, she does a great job! -Jimmy 00:27:54 Julie Tovey: Any idea the timing on the Friday 8/23? Ending at what time? 00:28:00 Lauren: Was there a decision on a virtual option! 00:28:01 Edward Gold: Still no virtual option for those of us not near Indiana? 00:28:19 Purdue for Life Foundation: ALVC Conference Registration: https://events.blackthorn.io/3ktO526/4a9GNs2Ve1 00:28:52 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Still no virtual opt..." We tried a virtual option for two years in a row and unfortunately the cost was too high and the participation was extremely low. -Jimmy 00:28:57 Purdue for Life Foundation: Pre-ALVC Alumni Club Leaders Luncheon Registration: https://events.blackthorn.io/3ktO526/4a9GNs2gHh 00:30:18 Julie Tovey: Reacted to "ALVC Conference Regi..." with 👍🏼 00:30:49 douglasevans: When shield the Club Pres. expect to receive the Volunteer 00:31:19 Edward Gold: Replying to "Still no virtual opt..." 🙁 00:31:27 Julie Tovey: Replying to "ALVC Conference Regi..." Thanks. I'm wondering if it is posted til 5pm but it will be a "get done early" situation. I ask due to having to reserve a flight. 00:32:38 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "ALVC Conference Regi..." I believe it is scheduled until 4:30 pm but we can verify that and get back to you 00:34:38 douglasevans: Replying to "ALVC Conference Regi..." When will the annual agreement be sent to the Clubs? 00:35:03 Beth Stickles McDaniel: Do returning board members need to sign another volunteer form? 00:35:34 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Do returning board m..." Yes 00:35:48 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "ALVC Conference Regi..." The week of July 8. 00:36:51 Edward Gold: Where do we get a copy of the PPT? 00:37:06 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Was there a decision..." Hi Lauren. The virtual option has been suspended for a few years now. We tried it for two years and the cost was too high and attendance virtually was extremely low. 00:37:29 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." It will be uploaded online in about two weeks. 00:37:55 Edward Gold: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." Online where? Will we receive a link? 00:38:28 Mike Brown: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." A minute ago you said the Volunteer form was required by Pres. & Treasurer only, but now it says all board members? 00:38:35 Julie Tovey: Well done, LeAnne, and thank you all for revising the recognition metrics. 00:38:46 Purdue for Life Foundation: Reacted to "Well done, LeAnne, a..." with ❤️ 00:38:47 Edward Gold: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." And why does it take two weeks to upload an exiting PPT? 00:39:27 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." @Edward Gold here is the link. https://www.purdueforlife.org/alumni-leaders/clubs/resource-library/ 00:39:51 Julie Tovey: Officers can share roles? Sec/Treas for example. 00:40:24 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." The recognition program website will be updated once our Marcomm team is able to get it done. With the holiday break fast approaching and lots of website updates being made, it might take abit longer for them to get this change made. 00:40:37 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Officers can share r..." It is preferred not for those roles. 00:40:41 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." Recognition Program: https://www.purdueforlife.org/alumni-leaders/clubs/club-recognition-requirements/ 00:41:07 douglasevans: The annual agreement noted on teh 23/24 Engagement Funds is the 2023-24 FY agreement (not the 24-25 FY agreement); correct? 00:41:44 Beth Stickles McDaniel: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." Will I get a notice if any quarterly reports have not been submitted? I became treasurer mid-year. 00:41:51 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Where do we get a co..." The President & Treasurer signs the Agreement, which will be sent via DocuSign. All board members/club leaders needs to fill out the volunteer agreement. 00:41:52 Mike Brown: Thanks for clarifying 00:42:17 Purdue for Life Foundation: Reacted to "Thanks for clarifyin..." with 👍 00:48:29 Beth Stickles McDaniel: are we supposed to have checking acct funds transferred prior to June 30th? To whose attention should they be sent? 00:48:57 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "are we supposed to h..." Can you rephrase? Not sure I understand the question. -Jimmy 00:48:58 Lauren: Replying to "Was there a decision…" That’s disappointing. But okay. We will assess our club financial position to see if we can pay to sponsor a Board Member to attend. Doubtful but we will see. 00:49:25 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "Was there a decision..." @Lauren what club are you with? 00:55:45 jcs0101: I would like to know the scholarship winners for Seattle too 00:56:41 Lauren: Same with Phoenix! But cc the club email account not my personal one…we would communicate via the club. 00:56:51 Mandy: We would also like to know the scholarship person for Evansville I think we have requested this already but I have not seen anything 00:57:00 Edward Gold: Were there any winner from So. AZ? 00:57:53 Edward Gold: Tucson, not Phoenix. 01:00:01 Lauren: Have we heard about a form for people to register to join our club email list? 01:01:37 Mandy: We have an event tomorrow and providing dinner for all of our guests; we did not receive the registration list yet... can you tell me when I will see this? 01:02:18 David - NNW Suburbs Chicago: When someone scans the QR code provided on the PFL tents for game watches and enters their contact information, do they get added to the distribution list for club event emails? 01:02:57 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "When someone scans t..." Unfortunately no, that is just allowing us to track how many people attended and to draw for a prize. 01:03:01 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "We have an event tom..." Mandy: @hogued is sending out attendee reports and has it going out tomorrow, but I can send a copy tonight if you need it ASAP. 01:03:37 Mandy: Replying to "We have an event tom..." yes. I need that asap. as I requested in an email to you. 01:06:57 Purdue for Life Foundation: Replying to "We have an event tom..." My apologies, I did not receive that email, but will get you the registration list out to you this evening.