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Old Gold & Black

Old Gold & Black clubs align with the traditional Gold P program. The clubs display a high level of organization and performance. Old Gold & Black clubs receive additional PFLF support and resources. To be considered for Old Gold & Black, the following qualifications must be met:

Fulfill Annual Requirements

  • Adhere to the alumni club agreement.
  • Observe Purdue’s Statement of Integrity and Volunteer Expectations
  • Host 3 events for all alumni, friends, and fans in the club’s geographical area.

Additional support from PFLF for One Brick Higher in FY 2023-24

  • Engagement funds
  • Scholarship funds
  • Choice of 1 club-identity item
  • 1 Purdue-themed item from the scholarship fundraising collection.

Fulfill Annual Event Requirements

  • Participate in Purdue Day of Giving
  • Host a Purdue Day of Service event (not required in FY 2022-23)
  • Maintain an active scholarship program
  • Host 5 additional events per year, not including game watches.

Conduct Two Events That Supports Alumni Engagement

  • Partner with PFLF’s life-long learning for an event.
  • Work with the Purdue Alumni Recruitment for Tomorrow.
  • Host an event or program that engages alumni families in your community (not student send-off).
  • Host an event or program targeting young alumni and recent graduates
  • Coordinate a community service project to support a local organization
  • Partner with campus-entity on a program. Submit the speaker request form.
  • Host a professional networking event.
  • Host an intellectual activity (special-interest events, arts, etc).

Conduct Two of the Following Outreach Initiatives

  • Partner with a PFLF affinity group to host an event that engages diverse alumni in your community.
  • Participate in educational outreach programs with local schools or community organizations, such as tutoring or service-learning programs.
  • Coordinate an event in partnership with another local organization or another college/university’s local alumni club.
  • Participate in Purdue Ties alumni club pilot program. (Coming Spring 2022)
  • Partner with PFLF’s Volunteerism and Outreach and/or International Engagement and Alumni Travel programs. (In development.)