Affinity Network Bylaws

You can use the following bylaws as a template for your affinity network.

Article 1 // Name

The name of this organization is the Purdue [insert name]. This network [include a brief description of the network].

Article 2 // Purpose

The purpose of the affinity network is to promote Purdue University and the Purdue for Life Foundation through involvement and support of local community activities and to provide opportunities for networking among alumni, friends, and students.

Article 3 // Members and Board Members

Members of the affinity network include graduates of any Purdue campus and any person who wishes to support the university. Board members must have an active Purdue Alumni Association membership.

Article 4 // Registration Fees

The affinity network may collect member and nonmember registration fees for events. To qualify for member fees, you must have an active paid membership with the Purdue Alumni Association, President’s Council, or the John Purdue Club.

Article 5 // Board of Directors

The board of directors is responsible for establishing policies and conducting the business of the organization. The affinity network members will elect the board of directors. The board will consist of no more than [insert odd number] people, including the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and other positions deemed necessary.

The board of directors will include:

// President: The president will preside at all meetings and will serve as the chief executive officer of the network. They will serve a term of [insert number] years.

// Vice President: The vice president will serve in the absence of the president and will serve a term of [insert number] years. The vice president will also serve on committees as appointed by the president.

// Secretary: The secretary will record the minutes of all meetings, preserve all written reports, and keep an active official list of network participants. They will serve a term of [insert number] years.

// Treasurer: The treasurer will be responsible for budgeting the events for each fiscal year—which is July 1–June 30—and for managing other financial documents stipulated by Purdue for Life. They will serve a term of [insert number] years.

For all other positions, please provide a job description following the same format as above.

If a board member vacates their role in the middle of a term, the president may appoint any member as successor to hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term. A majority of the board of directors must vote to affirm this selection.

Article 6 // Meetings

Business meetings will be held regularly. The board of directors will supply minutes to Purdue for Life staff.

Article 7 // Amendments

Any amendments to these bylaws must be approved by Purdue for Life staff.

Article 8 // Adoption and Approval

A majority of the board of directors must vote to approve of the bylaws. Then, the Purdue for Life staff must approve of the bylaws before they can be adopted.