An image of Purdue Latino Alumni Network group

About the Purdue Latino Alumni Network

The Purdue Latino Alumni Network was first established in 2004 as the Purdue Latino Alumni Organization (PLAO). Our original members were driven to create this organization to reconnect with the university. The members found a home within Purdue’s Latino Cultural Center, which opened in 2003, and this helped them officially create PLAO.


Our mission is to connect Latino alumni and strengthen their bond to Purdue. To fulfill this, we will focus on the following objectives:
  • Networking: To develop a worldwide network of Purdue Latino alumni and friends aiming to elevate and celebrate Latino achievement and success, while also cultivating their relationship with the university
  • Professional Development: To create a platform and opportunities where professional Purdue Latino alumni and friends can come together to support one another, provide useful resources, and create opportunities for the development and enhancement of professional skills
  • Community Service: To support others by actively participating in institutional programs and initiatives focused on uplifting Latino voices and lives both at Purdue and beyond